Here’s a hearty list of Appalachian Trail memes.
When you get into the thick of your AT thru-hike, there are certain things you can relate to amongst your fellow thru-hikers, and not so much amongst the rest of humanity. Here’s a handful that come to mind:
You hike 20+ miles every day? You must be in great shape! Umm… No.

Food is food

How you lose all of your civilized social skills

How entitled you get against day-hikers

How much you stop caring about your looks

The moral dilemma when finding trail magic

The struggle of letting go


Virginia blues

The loss of self control

The importance of Vitamin-I


How that metabolism really cranks up

Counting the cost

Accepting the risks

The struggle to eat enough calories

Stopping to smell the roses

How some things just don’t seem important anymore

How much we all just want our own bed

We all know a few of these folks

How you can never trust a mileage estimate

What other thru-hiker-isms can you think of? Comment below!
Happy hiking!
– Kris (Motown)
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